Pinterest Creates Referrals
The basic concept of Pinterest is to create topic boards. You then pin pictures and videos from the web, or upload pictures to your boards. Others can follow you, repin your items to their own board, comment on, or like an item.
This allows users to create online “catalogues” where every picture pinned from your B2B site becomes a referral URL back to your site. Consequently, the more pictures pinned and repinned, the higher the traffic and SEO effect. You can further add URLs and hashtags to the description area of each picture; a must when you upload instead of pin.The majority of Pinterest users in the USA are women(27) with a relatively high level of education.(28) The most popular topics are: home, arts & crafts, and style/fashion.(29) In the UK, the majority of Pinterest members are male.(30)
Pinterest is a no-brainer for B2C but how can B2B companies leverage Pinterest best?For B2B, the best approach is to create boards that convey company culture and values, like sustainability—think solar panels on an office roof—or company volunteering. Consider also posting pictures of what your product might help create, e.g. if it’s software, post pictures of the car that gets manufactured using your software. To dazzle on Pinterest, you need crisp and impressive imagery.
A great use of Pinterest for B2B is to create a contest. Ask customers to take a picture with your product and post it with a particular hashtag to their boards, then Tweet or email you the link. The prizewinner could be the person with the most likes for their picture.
A measure of success is when pictures get pinned from your website, repinned, liked and commented on. While a person pinning from your site is already aware of your brand, a repinner might be an untapped opportunity; try to engage this person. Free tools like Pinpuff and Pinreach provide statistics on followers, likes, repins, influencers, and most popular pins.
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