Quora your personalize Questionnaire
Quora’s mission is to share and grow the world’s knowledge. Quora: the best answer to any question. Read Amazing Questions, Answers & Blogs. Quora, is a completely informative site. Whose aim is to provide knowledge, share it, and enhance it. Usually the people we interact with are strangers, and the relationships are almost always for the sole purpose of knowledge sharing.
As a business owner, there are always questions that need to be answered. To help with getting answers to their problems, many turn to the online site Quora to hear what advice others in their industry have to offer.
Launched in 2010, Quora is an online site where people can post questions they are having trouble answering. Rather than get answers from one person, the site allows all users to weigh in on what they think the best answers are.
“When you want to know more about something, Quora delivers you answers and content from people who share your interests and people who have first-hand knowledge — like real doctors, economists, screenwriters, police officers, and military veterans,”
Quora’s goal is for each question page to become the best possible resource for people who want to know about that question. Quora allows users to create personalized homepages that feature the things they want to learn more about by following topics, questions, people and boards. The site currently features more than 400,000 different topics of questions and answers.
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